There are different ways to document times in timeghost:

1. The time recording (Stopwatch mode)

2. The classic time booking (Input mode)

3. Booking times via the calendar

4. Booking times on a project via the Feed

5. Automated time booking

In this article we will show you how time recording works, i.e. the live recording of your working hours on a task, accurate to the second.


1. Timer: Stopwatch mode

You always record a time using the  Timer  (1) navigation point:

To stop a time to the second, you have to be in the  Â  mode (2):

2. Name task

First you enter the Name (1of the task you are working on (e.g. "Time recording A1")

At the latest, when you have entered three characters in the task field (1), timeghost checks them for matches with previously stored Tasks (2) and then shows them to you including the Client (3) and Project (4). 

If the correct project is displayed to you, you can tick it  o  (5) so that it is transferred directly to the project field (6).

The 4 button (7) also turns yellow after entering the third character, which means that you can theoretically start the recording with the current suggested values:

3. Additional information

Of course, you can also adjust your task further before saving: 

3.1 Project

To assign your task to a project, click on the  Ì  button and then select a project (e.g. "Project 1A"):

The Billing capability stored in the project ("Project 1A" (1) is stored as Billable (2)) is automatically adopted (4) by selecting the Project (3):

3.2 Tags

To add one or more tags to your time recording, click on the  ´  icon, select your Tag(s) (e.g. "Tag 2" and "Tag 3") and then confirm with  Apply :

3.2 Billability

You can set the billability using the   icon. Yellow means Billable, black means Non-billable:

4. Start and stop a recording

By clicking on the 4 button (1the recording is started and the Time (2) begins to run:

By clicking the < button (1again, the recording is stopped and then saved directly with the corresponding time (2):