Groups can simplify the organization within the workspace when assigning projects or tasks, when evaluating working times or earnings, or when assigning permissions within timeghost.

Every user who is stored as a user in the workspace team can also be stored as a user in any number of groups in his workspace.

Generally, only administrators of a workspace can create, edit or delete groups.

In this tutorial you will learn how to manually create new groups, add members to them and remove them again.

Alternatively, you can simply synchronize groups that you have already created in Microsoft Teams, so that they are automatically created in timeghost, including their members, and are always kept up to date.

#01 Create a group

#02 Add group members

#03 Remove group members

#01 Create a group


First, go to Settings via the navigation menu and then to the Groups tab.


Click the Create group button in the upper right corner.


Enter the Group name you want and then click the blue Create group button below.

#02 Add group members


First, go to Settings via the navigation menu and then to the Groups tab.


Here you navigate to the group to which you want to add new group members.


Then click Manage group members and enter the name of a user from your workspace via Search user.


As soon as the desired result is displayed, simply click on it.

In the same way, you can now add more users if you want.


When you are done, click the blue Apply changes button and then finally click the blue Save changes button.

#03 Remove group members


First, go to Settings via the navigation menu and then to the Groups tab.


Here you navigate to the group to which you want to add new group members.


Then click Manage group members.


To remove the group member you want, just click the X to the right of it.

In the same way, you can now remove more group members if you want.


When you are done, click the blue Apply changes button and then finally click the blue Save changes button.