When creating a project, or even later when editing it, you can select whether a project should be Billable or Non-billable

In addition to the effect that a new time entry that is to be booked to this project is initially suggested to the user with the corresponding billability during the booking process after selecting the project, this basic setting also has another decisive influence on the calculation of the already used or remaining project budget:


#01 Billable:


If you select Billable, all time entries that are to be booked to this project will initially be suggested to the user as billable when they are booked.

Furthermore, only time entries that have been booked as Billable are taken into account when calculating the already used or remaining project budget. 


#02 Non-billable:


If you select Non-billable, all time entries that are to be booked to this project will initially be suggested to the user Non-billable when they are booked. 

Furthermore, all time entries, i.e. also those that have been booked as Non-billable, are taken into account when calculating the already used or remaining project budget.




Two projects have been created with a manual project budget of 10 hours each. Project A is BillableProject B is Non-Billable.

5 billable and 5 Non-Billable time entries were posted to each of the two projects.

For Project A, 50% of the project budget is used up, since only the Billable time entries are taken into account when calculating the budget:

Project B, on the other hand, uses up the entire 100% of the estimated project budget, since the Non-Billable time entries are also taken into account when calculating the budget: